
Automazione Industriale - Volume I: Concetti generali di automazione

E' disponibile il primo Volume della mia nuova Collana di Automazione Industriale edita da GISI Servizi.

La collana è dedicata sia al mondo della didattica, sia a coloro che operano nel controllo, monitoraggio e supervisione di macchine, impianti industriali e utility, nella gestione di processi di acquisizione dati e misurazione e nell'automazione degli edifici. Per esempio, può essere utilizzata a supporto di corsi per personale tecnico di nuova assunzione, personale tecnico-commerciale e così via.
Il primo Volume fornisce un quadro generale degli elementi di un sistema di automazione secondo un modello standard noto come ‘piramide dell’automazione’. Vengono quindi esaminate le principali tecniche di acquisizione dei segnali dal campo, elaborazione e controllo, comando, comunicazione e supervisione, con cenni alle tendenze tecnologiche in corso. Sono inoltre discussi temi come le nuove figure professionali richieste dal mondo dell’automazione, la transizione verso i sistemi distribuiti, tecniche e metodi per la progettazione di un sistema automatizzato e così via.
I successivi Volumi riguarderanno le unità di controllo (PLC, PAC, DCS, Scada, Industrial PC, ecc.) e la loro programmazione (Volume II), l’acquisizione dei segnali dal campo (Volume III), i dispositivi di comando e attuazione (Volume IV) e l’automazione degli edifici (Volume V).
Il prezzo di copertina del Volume I è di 60 euro. Ai lettori del mio blog è riservato uno sconto del 30%. E' sufficiente contattarmi a efccva@gmail.com
Sconti sono riservati anche alle aziende che desiderano edizioni personalizzate (logo sulla copertina, pubblicità interna, ecc.).

Il libro è disponibile presso GISI Servizi (www.gisi.it), Amazon (www.amazon.com) e Libreria Universitaria (www.libreriauniversitaria.it)


A showroom to introduce the Italian technology in Northern Europe

EFCC represents in Estonia and other countries in the North East of Europe (Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Russia) very innovative italian products for the automation of machines, plants and utilities.

Mektory (the technology excellence center of TTU - Tallinn Technical University, http://www.ttu.ee/projects/mektory-eng/) accorded EFCC a location in which EFCC is currently organizing a showroom for italian companies wishing to introduce their technologies in Northern Countries - and not only. In fact, Mektory is continuously visited by business groups coming from all over the world looking for new partnerships and the thousands of contacts that exhibitors will collect are sure to be the starting point for some interesting new business.
Italian companies can ask to be represented in the showroom in different ways: a. Simple exhibition of products and/or documentation for a given time (4 to 6 months, normally), with local staff to provide basic information to visitors; b. Exhhibition completed by events (press conferences, etc.) and by b2b meetings between the exhhibitor and possible local partners.

The exceptional visibility offered by Mektory and the strategic position of Estonia, a real bridge between Russia and the European Community, has also made possible another initiative: the imminent opening of the 'Ferrari Technological Gallery'. In the Gallery, the manufacturing cycle of Ferrari will be interactively shown and visitors will have the chance to directly produce a spoiler by themselves at the end of the path. The Gallery will also show examples of Ferrari excellence in the fields of space, motorcycle and artificial arts.
EFCC is looking for other sponsors that, having provided products to Ferrari in Italy, wish to show their brand in the Gallery. The Gallery will be active for at least 4 years.

EFCC – Estonia Fieldbus Competency Center


Industrial Automation - Volume I: Basics of Automation

The first Volume of my new Series on Industrial Automation is now available. The Series is dedicated to students and education organizations and also to those working in control, monitoring and supervision of machines, industrial plants and utilities, in the management of data acquisition and measurement and in Building Automation. For instance, the volumes of this Series can be used as a support in courses for new hired technical staff, technical sales staff, etc. Publisher is GISI Servizi.

The first Volume, already available, gives a general overview on the elements composing an automation system according to the standard 'pyramid model'. Then, the main techniques of data acquisition , processing, control, communication and supervision are discussed, with a reference to the main technology trends. Moreover, Volume I outlines the main professional figures required by automation, the transition towards distributed systems, techniques and methods to design an automated system, and so on.
The following Volumes will be dedicated to control units (PLCs, PACs, Industrial PC,s, DCSs, Scada, etc.) and their programming (Volume II), sensors and data acquisition (Volume III), actuators (Volume IV) and Building Automation (Volume V).
Volume I is now available in Italian language. The English edition will be available in autumn 2014.
Cover price 60 euros. A 30% discount is deserved to the readers of my blog. Discounts also for companies requiring custom editions (logo on the cover, adv inside, etc.).

The book is available from GISI Servizi (www.gisi.it), Amazon (www.amazon.com) and Libreria Universitaria (www.libreriauniversitaria.it)


Misure e controlli sui sistemi ausiliari

Segnalo un workshop che si svolgerà nell'ambito di SPS IPC Drives (Parma, 20-22 Maggio 2014) il
21 maggio 2014, dalle 14:15 alle 16:30 presso Sala Area GISI - Pad. 3

Misure e controlli sui sistemi ausiliari
Parteciperanno Valerio Alessandroni, Luigi Borghi, Maurizio Cappelletti, Giuseppe Bonacina, Fabio Camerin e Mirko Giuseppe Cappeddu

14.15 Accoglienza e registrazione partecipanti
14.30 Inizio lavori

Introduzione e presentazione dei temi della giornata 
Valerio Alessandroni

L'integrazione dei dati di consumo energetico e di produzione, la strada maestra verso il miglioramento continuo
Luigi Borghi - Skema Didelme S.r.L., Maurizio Cappelletti - Rockwell Automation

I costi energetici rappresentano un problema cruciale per le aziende, in quanto costituiscono fino al 30% dei costi operativi di una società di medie dimensioni e se ne prevede un ulteriore aumento del 30% nei prossimi anni. Gestire in maniera efficiente l’energia utilizzata per le attività industriali è fondamentale per ridurre i costi di produzione e ridurre l’impatto ambientale. Secondo la norma ISO EN 50001, l’efficienza energetica rappresenta il modo per ottimizzare il «Rapporto tra l’output dell’attività di una organizzazione, beni e servizi e l’input energetico». Viene presentata un’applicazione di successo basata sull’uso di prodotti Rockwell
Automation che costituiscono una piattaforma tecnologica integrata per gestire la raccolta, l’analisi e il monitoraggio dei consumi energetici derivanti da qualsiasi vettore energetico (energie rinnovabili, energia elettrica, olio combustibile, gas), e i risultati dei vari reparti produttivi, al fine di supportare le aziende verso l’efficienza, il risparmio e il miglioramento continuo.

L'energy saving con le nuove tecnologie per l'efficienza energetica e la valutazione del risparmio: Soluzioni avanzate per l'efficienza e piattaforma di monitoraggio E2AM 
Giuseppe Bonacina - P.A.Division Energy Efficiency ABB Service

L'efficienza energetica nell'ambito industriale è una componente chiave per ridurre i costi e mantenere la competitività del settore. Ogni anno vengono presentate nuove tecnologie che promettono di migliorare notevolmente i consumi e mantenere il livello di produttività, ma molto spesso i risultati delle implementazioni non sono effettivamente monitorati. Scopo della presentazione è dimostrare come alcune delle tecnologie più all'avanguardia, come ad esempio i sistemi con motori sincroni a riluttanza ad altissima efficienza IE4 e i sistemi di controllo avanzati, possano portare a vantaggi effettivi, grazie ad un sistema di monitoraggio dei consumi dell'impianto in grado di verificare i risultati, utile inoltre per seguire le prescrizioni della normativa
internazionale ISO 50001:2011, Sistemi di Gestione dell’ Energia.

Il know how & l’innovazione Tecnologica al servizio dell’Efficienza energetica: Soluzioni Smart Wireless
Fabio Camerin - Business Development Manager Wireless Emerson Process Management

Nello scenario economico odierno, la riduzione dei costi energetici è diventata un imperativo per molte aziende oltre che una direttiva Europea necessariamente applicabile per molti impianti di processo. La tecnologia Smart Wireless di Emerson Process Management offre la possibilità di impiegare soluzioni semplici ed efficaci che permettono di controllare al meglio le parti di impianto più energivore, raggiungere i
target prefissati e ridurre in modo significativo i costi di installazione.

Il percorso secondo Siemens per un’industria più efficiente e competitiva 
Mirko Giuseppe Cappeddu - Siemens S.p.A. Industry Sector

Una panoramica delle proposte di Siemens per ottenere efficienza energetica, passando dalla consapevolezza alla trasparenza dei dati, attraverso un percorso che parte da un’analisi del sito industriale o di una parte di esso per arrivare alla soluzione e la fornitura di un progetto chiavi in mano. Il 60% dei consumi in un impianto industriale sono generati dai motori. Siemens offre un’analisi completa dell’istallato,
realizza soluzioni per la riduzione dei consumi energetici garantendo, attraverso un contratto basato sulle performance, i risparmi che saranno conseguiti dai propri clienti. Per ottenere trasparenza si deve misurare, ma come scegliere i dati più significativi? I sistemi di gestione dell’energia permettono di registrare tutti i dati
energetici in tempo reale, sia su server on site che su cloud. In questo modo i dati elaborati dai nostri esperti in gestione energetica, saranno la base per una reportistica a diversi livelli, che assicurano migliori prestazioni sia in termini di efficienza che di produttività: Servizi “Data Driven”. Questo rappresenta il primo passo per chi si vuole certificare ISO 50001.

Summary e conclusione della giornata 
Valerio Alessandroni

16.30 Fine lavori

Al termine dei lavori presenterò il mio nuovo libro "Automazione industriale - Concetti generali", primo di una nuova collana di cinque volumi pubblicata dal GISI.


A report on Industrial Automation

Taavi Klaos attended my lectures on Electronics and Communication Industries
(IED3100) at TTU - Tallinn University of Technology, Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics. At the end of the course he wrote a paper on Industrial Automation that I would like to introduce in the following lines.

Today we have in industry automation three main types: PLCs(programmable logic controllers), PACs (programmable automation controllers) and IPCs (industrial programmable computers). Most common of them is PLC, beacuse it is oldest, cheapest and easiest way to automate production or application. PAC and IPC are used, when there is more complicated activity or it needs some special addition. 

On last decades difference between PLCs, PACs and IPCs have decreased because PLCs have obtain capabilities of motion control, advanced proportional-integral-derivative PID process control, integrated safety, features like as a web server and networking utilities. Generally PLCs and PACs are equalizing and only IPC has a bigger difference. At the moment PLCs and PACs are different in programming language, which is the biggest difference. PLCs are usually using ladder logic, but PACs are developed with more generic software tools.

Picture 1 Siemens PLC

Picture 2 Relay automation

Industrial automation with PLCs came in the early 1970. Before that all the logic gates were done with relays and it took a lot of space and it was quite complicated. Relays had to maintain every year for durability and it took time and was expensive. In Estonia I have seen until today relay based automation. There were hundreds of relays clicking. I had to understand why one function wasn´t done and it was really difficult without drawings. First commercial producer was Modicon, after that came Allan Bradley and other companies. 
Communication abilities appeared in 1973 and was called Modicon´s Modbus. This gave possibility to communicate between PCs and PLCs. Next decade was nightmare for communications, because there wasn´t standardization and technology was changing. At the moment some biggest manufactures of PLCs are Siemens, Mitsubishi and Rockwell. 

Every continent has his own main producers and by this we have a lot of different communication protocols and standards. In Europe main producer is Siemens , which gives us fieldbus Profibus. Only the main brands are all over the world. Also it is easier to use products like Siemens, because there is a lot of information about Siemens programming and other help. Minus side is higher price so hardware than software. Newcomers frequently give software for free and try to sell more hardware like this. The first who was doing in Estonia this strategy was Unitronics and achieved good position. Also they had really good  software suppert.

Last bigger announcement was PAC(programmable automation controller) and it was first defined by ARC Advisory Group in 2001. Best way to introduce PAC is something like this: Programmable Automation Controllers that combine the functionality of a PC and reliability of a PLC. PAC is a 2 or more processor based device like a personal computer(PC), but orientated for industry automation. At the beginning PACs function were doing IPCs. This were too expensive and for that was developed controllers, what fits between PLCs and IPCs. Some producer called they high end PLC products for PACs. End user can´t normally see difference of them and call both of them PLC.

Picture 3  Siemens IPCs

Industrial PCs (IPCs) are very resistant computers for environment, because thay are used in mainly in hard conditins. They came a little bit after personal computers on the 1980s. An industrial PC is PC-based computing platform for industrial applications, processor is the same as everyday computers have. They even look like usual competers in harded case. For touchscreen solutions there are IPCs like screens and back of it there is processor with communication interfaces. Robustness  is achieved with heavier metal construction as compared to the typical office non-rugged computer, additional cooling counting with industry speciality, electronic components may be selected for their ability withstand higher and lower operating temperatures. 

IPC could do many different applications in the same time and process large amounts of data. Last types of IPC has same hardware as personal computers and with this there isn´t a big hardware development costs.
Markets like PLCs are saturated and there is a very little room for newcomers however IPCs world is splintered by little specialized companies . They usually come from Germany or Tawain and have a main district of applications. German suppliers typically offers modular and open IPC hardware for specific solution every industry then Tawainese providers started as original design manufactureres and now also offer full-blown IPCs. In Europe in Siemens one of the biggest IPC producers and they have good range of different IPCs. I see this is very little market compared with PLC and for newcomers it is easier to survive. 

Main thing is to choose one application and concentrate on this.
Main advantages of IPCs are that industries need to handle ever-growing amounts of data. This data is often used for feedback to optimize production or to fulfil regulatory requierements for collecting and storing data. In these days all data is located locally, but in future this is going to cloud. This mean that  good and fast internet connection in very important, meanwhile there should be backup near to you. This will give mirrored data and security for data lost. Most of IPCs are based on windows operating systems, what is easy to use for all computer users.

In the last decade we have automation everywhere in industries and without this we can´t image a factory. PLCs are widely spread and it is very easy to use. Cheapest ones cost below 100€ and software is free, what gives demand for all kind of applications. Also you could expand them and add different modules. PLCs are replacing all logic gates with realibility and flexibility. For consumer it is easier to buy controller and use it in many ways than do something difficult with many little things like program clock and relays.
In the future PLCs could adopt more improvments specially from communication field. Programming and connection should go over RJ45 socket, what is already happening. Older ones use RS-232, RS-485, USB or something special from PLC producer. 

There are converters for RS-232 to USB and so on, but this makes sometimes problems and you need to adjust computer for this. In some conditions it could freeze computer or even do restart, I have feel it with mine. When we have identical plugs and sockets on controllers we can think about communication standards. Main hope from consumers is that producers will obtain one standard and use it. At least not more than four five standards. At the moment we have Profibus, Modbus, RAPIEnet and lot of other automation communication standards. After that there is different standards for building automation too, called KNX, EIB and so on. With this we could save much money from converting different signals. 

Converting signals also causes problems with constant data flow, because converter could lose some data. At he moment we have a lot different programming cables and standards and this is very costly and gives headaches. Even one produces will change the cable standard after some years and by that programmers should have a lot of them. Better programmers have a little suitcase for different cables, what they use communication with controllers. For programmers are computer manufactures even doing special computers with different interfaces. Good example is Siemens, who is selling ready to use. Robust programming device in notebook look for automation engineers.

Programming languages like in ladder logic and functionblock could be the same for next decade, because this is easy to use for everyone. PLCs should be the easiest way to automate machines and programming language is the main thing in this. For PACs and IPCs there are more difficult languages such as C or C++ and an off-the-shelf package such as TwinCAT and Wonder Ware. I can´t see for PLCs, PACs or IPCs better solutions for programming on the next decade. Maybe the easiest programs should come with software and could be adjusted  for specific work. This is commen  in building automation controllers, but in industrial PLCs I haven´t seen it.

Second bigger thing is hardware. At the moment we could see on the market first PLCs and PACs based on mobile phone or tablet hardware, what is widely spread and give better prices. These solutions uses mainly same parts of your mobile phone and will be easy to handle. Also they are more efficien than usual PLCs. This will give for the hardware really good price and open software like android. It is realy good to use touchscreen, because we have allready tablets 10 inches even bigger. In Estonia we can see first company, who is producing these controllers with based android software. They are advertising this with these sentences. Android based PLC has minimum 24 input and output and it could be larger. It could me programmed in many languages. Price is low and could used in very different applications like traffic light-, street light-, pumping station-, smart building managing. In the future we should see on the consumer electronics market with open eyes and used them on other applications.

I see more adoptions from widely spread consumer technology. One region is gaming consoles and additions of this. Latest technology of gaming consoles what is used more and more is 3D camera, what is used in game consoles. It game first with Nintendo Wii and has it Microsoft Xbox and others too. Companies are selling this solutions in ten millions and price is going down. I see 3D future in automation industry as monitoring and managing. Operator could see and change different views by waving his hands. Operator does not need with this a lot of buttons on the board or touch screen, which is bigger than him. All the necessary information is displayed on the air or on the wall and camers could see where operator is pointing. It seems like from movie about future, but it is next bigger thing of industury automation supervisory and managing.. Only for the industry it is very expensive too develop new hardware or future solutions, but adoption from other regions is cheaper as development costs are lower.

Speaking more about communication and data flow we can´t forget Wi-Fi. Very interesting is to see how will spread Wi-Fi in industry automation. It could be one part of controllers and sensors communication way. It is not possible to get good connection from far-away places or through many walls, but factories are usually with big open rooms and  there signal will spread good. In everyday life we have almost in every building Wi-Fi and why not to use this for communcation in factories. It could not used in very fast processing where speed is very important, but in usual data transfer is possible. Fiber-optic cables goes to main routers, what should have 802.11ac standard which gives speed up to 1300Mbit/s total. We can´t use usual Cat5 or Cat6 cables, because these maximum speed is lower. 

In the future Wi-Fi speed could be even faster. Scientist are done it, but it is not eady for commercial use. With this there isn´t a problem of speed or amount of data. For controllers this mean that we need to add Wi-Fi receiver from hardware and do software changes. With signal sensors it is much more complicated, because these should be compact as possible. One possibility is to collect for example 4 sensors output and have there a reciever and transmitter. Solutions like that will but a lot of signals in the air. Advantage is less work for cable installers and simpler structure. Is these signals affecting humans I don´t know. In everyday life we live apartments and  there are sometimes about twenty different transmitters and recievers.

It is common that controller main unit have few inputs and outputs(I/O) attached. Usually these are digital I/O and for analog there you need to buy addition module or when ever you want to expand you controller. Additional signal modules normally divides for two: analog and digital signal additions. For the future I see that controllers have only digital I/Os. Analog signals for example 0-10V are very sensitive for noise what comes from power cables. It could make troubles for reading measurement and make cable mounting price higer. You need to but cables futher away from AC power cables, have a really good shield isolation, voltage signal cables can´t be longer than 20m(not accurate with longer cable)  and even then the noise could have a effect. There is a great possibilty with voltage sensors that power cables does inductive voltage inside it. 

Voltage sensors are used mainly in building automation or low cost solutions. In industries are mainly used 4-20mA signal sensors. This does not admit so much disturbance and could used over 200m long cables, but still we have not cleared noise or some affectence. For that I see in the future that sensors are giving out digital signals. This mean that sensors costs more and have more electronics like analog digital converter. Also it means that we have a one common standard for sensors communication. With this we can see more accurate measures, cheaper and easier controllers. Other solutions is to have little data collecting points, where are analog signals collected and converter to digital signals and sent to controller. Solutions like this is already used and it is working.

Picture 4  Industrial robots Comau

In the next years the biggest profit making market in industries for installers is industrial robot and their maintenance. This market came on the eighties and is used in very big factories. In the world there is few producers of industrial robots and products are expensive. In the Europe we know some bigger manufactures like KUKA, ABB and Comau. Largest markets for robots are in Europe Germany and Italy. Only country whos market in industrial robots is every last year rising is Czech. 

Adjusting industrial robot to work is difficult and needs experience. It is not compared with PLCs programming or something similar. Industrial robots have a working body and hardware near to body. Industrial robots remind us industrial programmable computer with body attached with it. Programming industrial robot could be done with two ways. One option is to programm it by computer, but you need to know very accurate dimensions of movements. The second way and more common is done this by pendant. With this you could move robot diferents parts of it and save moves, points and adjust  the speed. Usually installer chooses points of movement way with pendant and after that finish programm in computer. Computer interface is better to choose different speed and approaching angles.

People who has a knowledge could restore old industrial robots, because these have a good value even after restore. Bigger companies often buy new robots rather than will do a big service. Car factories buy hundreds of robots at once an will change them with same way. After that could used robots restore in smaller companies and used again. It is very usefull for smaller and not so rich companies. In Estonia industrial robots aren´t very common, but we have jobs what could be replaced with robots. With this we can get rid of easy jobs and be more innovative. Also with robots we need more intelligent people and  pay higher salaries to give service for robots.  

Supervisory system are spreading more and more in industries. It gives overview of factory and helps to see barriers on factory line or some other errors. Main option of supervisory is data and error management. It is very important to get error messages on the same moment as this occurs. Usually this is done by notifications from gsm, email or alert on computer screen. When we have a notification we could resolve it and everything would work again. Other important thing is data and command management. Operator should see everything, what is happening in the plant. He is like a captain in the ship. Important is even add utilities attached to system like electricity and water. Better is to have utility measurements from many places of factory area. 

With this we could see how much different parts are spending electrity and water and do a good survy of costs. With good supervisory system operator could avoid stops and brakes. Other thing is that this needs to train workers who can see even a little difference and how to react with different occasions.

Picture 5  Google glasses

One possibility how to make industrial automation installer life easier is in the future use smart glasses. At the moment this is only in developing position for public consumer, but when it goes popular we  can see it on other applications too. This could give us handsfree picture from different sections in factory and online reports. One option is phone or tablet, but this is usually in you pocket or shoulder bag and you could not notice. In bigger factories it could help operator to solve problems. Smart glasses should have factory plan and when problem notice comes, it directs you to right place. 

Industrial automation is basically not too complicated. It goes complex with size of application and supervisory. Doing a program with PLCs with gsm feedback is basic, but when you add visualization or different communicatoin ways it needs more time. Today we can´t have a industry without automation. From that we can see industrial automation is growing market and it needs already to renew ten or twenty years oled programs. Second thing is that we need to solve with automation continuosly more difficult application. This gives to our factories more robots and sequence programs. In Estonia industrial automation came on tha late nineties. This mean for Estonian industrial automation installers more job from old arrangements.


On the way towards a digital factory

In the intelligent factory of the future, machines talk to each other, conveyors think and products find almost automatically the best way through the production. No one would easily say it like that, but it has to be conceived like that. The component part must also "think". It knows its configuration and its receivers. It triggers the purchases of materials as well as it guides itself to the orderer. Sophisticated software works with high-tech machines. They agree on decisions together and reduce human errors. There is talk of a new industrial era, of industry 4.0 which combines the virtual and the real world of production. It means the complete reversal of the hitherto existing production logic, machines get connected to one another and all this is no longer done through a centrally controlled system, but happens on a totally autonomous way.
A digital factory – and human being as "Problem solver" in the middle of it. "We are on a good way to make a reality of the digital factory", says prof. Michael Schenk, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation (IFF). For many years, the Magdeburg-based research institute has successfully been developing digital technologies meant to be used in the overall production process. "Together with many companies, we have been able to make major achievements as to the establishment of processes, technologies and applications of the digital factory. The result: enterprises keep witnessing enormous progress of productivity and efficiency", states professor Schenk.
Innovative, proficient, committed: so is the claim of the Fraunhofer IFF
Let's have a look into two "samples".
Example 1. Should natural gas wells dilute, no gas would steam out anymore. Assistance could be given by a mobile free fall conveyor, as it has been put to use by the Fangmann Energy Services GmbH Co. KG, an engineering and plant construction company in Salzwedel. However, using it properly is not without danger. How can one's collaborators then be taught about handling it? In digital learning modules, they can be trained on installation and usage without harming themselves and the costly facility. For this purpose, researchers of the Fraunhofer IFF have created a learning application. The CEO Steffan Gerdes is enthusiastic about the issue: "The qualification of our colleagues is reaching a new quality now". Thanks to the three-dimensional presentation, they can virtually plunge into the facility and realistically train.
Example 2. In special-purpose machine engineering, programming and prior simulation of complex sequences of machine processes is a big challenge. In this respect, the company Sondermaschinenbau Calvörde which specializes on welding machines for large components in the railway vehicle construction got the Fraunhofer IFF on board. The Fraunhofer experts helped bring a complex spot welding machine with up to 16 CNC axes into service, this in a very short time and virtually in advance. With their digital engineering tools, the equipment constructors were able to program the machine before its construction via a real controller and carry out a completely virtual simulation of the complex running of the facility in real time. Beside the test carried out by the equipment constructor, it facilitates realistic dry runs for the subsequent operator without jeopardizing neither the machine, nor the material.
In Haldensleben, one can see how intelligent logistics functions. At least there where the company Hermes Fulfilment logistically handles a large part of the distance business belonging to the Otto Group and other external customers. The automatic return system (ARS) at the dispatch centre disposes of 175,000 bin locations for roughly one million items. The ARS is considered as the biggest warehouse of its kind worldwide. The bins containing items in mint condition are stored and brought to the workstation of the order picker, both automatically. For this, there are 840 shuttles spread over 30 lanes with 28 levels each. Up to 15,000 bins are on the move. The order picking output is around 200,000 parts a day. The ARS is the core part of the return management system; Hermes Fulfilment received in 2013 the Logistics Innovation Award of the Association of German Engineers.

The global economy is heading towards industry 4.0 and the intelligent factory is pioneering it,


The OPC/DDE gateway of SNMP networks for remote monitoring

Net’Sentinel by Micromedia is a monitoring software application dedicated to the control of a TCP/IP network and supervision of all connected SNMP compatible devices from any OPC/DDE client application.
Its performances and capabilities make it particularly popular in industrial applications: SCADA, video network control, infrastructure surveillance (airports, highways, public transportation), etc...

SNMP Supervision 
Net’Sentinel is a software dedicated to the supervision of devices connected to a TCP/IP network by using the SNMP protocol (Simple Network Management Protocol, a standard Internet family protocol). It is compatible with the SNMP versions v1, v2 and v3 (MD5 and SHA authentication, DES encryption, time window control).

Net’Sentinel is capable of browsing and identifying all the SNMP manageable devices connected to a network. The devices that are not manageable by SNMP can be browsed by PING polling. The detected devices and information available in every device are displayed in a tree structure form. 
The connection status of the devices is controlled cyclically . The devices that are offline, out of order or discarded are reported graphically. 

Net’Sentinel gives a real time read and write access to all information described in the devices MIB files (normalized files, provided by the device manufacturers, which describe the accessible data in a device). 
Net’Sentinel can also receive asynchronous data (traps) that signal a specific event on a device. These traps are reported graphically in the tree structure. When a trap is received a user message is automatically generated from the actual trap status and the contextual information received with it. This message is logged in the event log and can be sent to client applications, through the OPC (Data Access 2, Alarm & Event) and DDE interfaces. 

By using its OPC and DDE server, Net’Sentinel can be easily interfaced with any OPC or DDE client application: All information referenced in the tree representation of the network can be accessed with read and write rights that are specified in the device MIB.
The OPC server proposes a very easy way to select the variables to supervise by browsing from the client applications the entire OPC tree of the available information in every device of the network .
The OPC Alarm Event interface allows the automatic notification of client applications on trap reception or device change of state by simple definition of event filters.
In order to avoid tricky DCOM configuration for remote OPC connection, one can install the NS_OPCServer module on the client station, which uses an OPC tunneling communication with the Net’Sentinel server station.

The network polling is optimized. Only items that are currently displayed or required by a client application are cyclically polled. The SNMP port of each device is configurable. The basic cycle time is configurable,
globally and at the level of each device. If needed, a device can be discarded.

The traps issued from the devices can be received on configurable ports. They are time-stamped and recorded with all associated contextual information. A trap can be processed as a simple event or as an alarm state, the return to the normal state being detected by the association of a reverse trap or a specific state of an attached variable.

In each device, mapped variables can be defined to automatically compute expressions of variables of the device MIB (disk usage, network load…). These variables can be accessed from OPC and DDE clients. They can also be used to define a device standard mapping (in order to make the OPC interface independent of the type of implemented device) or to redefine an OPC interface compatible with the syntax of an existing OPC client application.

Global virtual variables of the network can also be defined to compute expressions of variables of different
devices. The configuration and maintenance of the network can be greatly facilitated by the use of importation profiles. These profiles predefine the network configuration in a CSV file, with a format fully configurable, defining for each device its external name (OPC name), its DNS name (or IP address), the list of associated MIBs, the eventual mapping file and an initialization file of the device parameters.

The Net’Sentinel client server architecture includes 4 modules
- The NS_Server server module is the operational heart of Net’Sentinel which can run as a Windows service.
- The NS_ServerTray module offers a control interface with the server through an icon in the Windows Notification Area.
- The NS_Viewer user interface module provides a full and user friendly interface to configure and control the network and it can be installed on delocalized client stations for a remote control of the server.
- The NS_OPCServer module which insures the OPC server interface of Net’Sentinel and can be installed on a delocalized OPC client station (OPC tunneling).

More info at EFCCVA@gmail.com